NCSHPO Round Up 2022-2023

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Enjoy this roundup of ongoings from 2022-2023, as we prepare to bring more robust content in 2024!

  • 11.29.2023 NCSHPO delivers statement at the ‘Strengthening Historic & Cultural Preservation Roundtable’ | Press Release
  • 11.11.2023 NCSHPO comments on ACHP’s draft policy statement on Housing and Historic Preservation | Letter
  • 11.13.2023 NTHP Advocacy PastForward | HPF | HTC | Route 66
  • 11.1.2023 NCSHPO Executive Director, Erik Hein quoted in E&E News on SHPO staffing challenges/potential effects of project review | Article
  • 10.6.2023 NCSHPO, NTHP, ACRA, & PA drop new HPF Reauthorization 1 Pager
  • 8.4.2023 ACHP Submits letter to Congress Supporting HPF Reauthorization | House | Senate
  • 7.20.2023 NCSHPO Responds to ACHP Request for Comments on SOI Standards | Letter
  • 6.23.2023 Coalition Letter Supporting HPF Reauthorization | Letter
  • 6.22.2023 NCSHPO Pens Letter to DOI/NPS on Funding | Letter
  • 5.24.2023 NCSHPO Submits Testimony to Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcomm. on Interior, Environment & Related Agencies for FY24 Appropriations | Testimony
  • 5.9.2023 Congressional Briefing | May is Preservation Month!
  • 4.25.2023 NCSHPO Endorses Letter Thanking Senator Brown for Supporting the African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program | Letter
  • 3.28.2023 HTC-GO H.R. 1785 Introduced in U.S. House, NCSHPO Joins Colleagues in Support | Press Release
  • 3.28.2023 NCSHPO Signs Letter Highlighting Concerns of H.R. 1 | see also ACHP Letter
  • 3.23.2023 FY24 Final HPF Dear Colleague Letters | House | Senate
  • 3.17.2023 NCSHPO Submits Testimony to House Appropriations Interior Subcommittee for FY24 | Testimony
  • 3.15.2023 FY24 HPF Dear Colleague Letters | Senate
  • 2.24.2023 FY24 Advocacy | Advocacy Guide | One Pagers: Appropriations | HPF Reauthorization | SHPO | THPO | Preservation Caucus | Historic Tax Credit | AW FAQs | Map for Advocacy Week
  • 1.4.2023 Farewell to preservation champion Senator Leahy (VT) | Letter
  • 12.22.2022 Preservation Advocacy Week | March 6-8, 2023
  • 12.2.2022 NCSHPO signs on to NTHP letter in support of HPF Appropriations | Letter
  • 10.25.2022 Apportionment Formula – SHPO Impacts | One pager
  • 10.20.2022 SHPO staff to speak at 2022 PastForward Conference | Speakers
  • 10.17.2022 NCSHPO Pens letter to NPS Director re: apportionment formula update | Letter
  • 9.29.2022 NCSHPO Response to Army Program Comment on Vietnam Era Housing | Letter
  • 9.28.2022 NPS Releases Annual Report on Economic Impact
    of Federal HTCs for FY 2021 | Report
  • 8.25.2022 NPS Releases National Historic Landmark Theme Study on Labor History | Report
  • 8.2.2022 NCSHPO Comments on Appendix C | Letter
  • 7.15.2022 NPS Releases HPF Apportionment Update | View
  • 6.16.2022 NCSHPO Comments on EVSE Exemption | Letter
  • 5.26.2022 FY23 Senate HPF Dear Colleague Letter Garners 25 Signatures | Final Letter
  • 5.25.2022 NCSHPO Submits Senate Interior Appropriations Testimony | FY23 Testimony
  • 5.16.2022 NCSHPO Infrastructure Resource Update | 1 Pager
  • 4.28.2022 NCSHPO Statement for the Record House Hearing H.R.6589 Historic Preservation Enhancement Act | Statement
  • 4.27.2022 FY23 House HPF Dear Colleague Letter -109 Signatories | Letter
  • 4.5.2022 NCSHPO Updated HPF/SHPO Resources | 1 Pagers
  • 3.4.2022 NCSHPO Support of H.R. 6434 Japanese American WWII History Network | Letter
  • 3.1.2022 NCSHPO Submits House Interior Appropriations Testimony | FY 2023 Testimony
  • 2.4.2022 Rep. Leger Fernández Introduces Historic Preservation Enhancement Act | Press Release

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