On occasion, NCSHPO seeks experienced professionals to complete historic preservation research and other projects, which is done via a Cooperative Agreement with the National Park Service.
Current Requests for Proposals, or Expressions of Interest will be posted below.
Current Opportunities
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Criteria Bulletin Update Project
The National Park Service (NPS) and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) seek the services of a cultural resource consultant to support the revision and reissuance of National Register Bulletin: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (Criteria Bulletin, formerly known as “Bulletin 15”).
Interested firms should submit a complete proposal and cost estimate (specified below) in response to this RFP to NCSHPO no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, March 21, 2025. Electronic copies of proposals may be directed to Mr. Nicholas Chamberlain, NCSHPO Special Projects Manager, at chamberlain@ncshpo.org.
Please see the attached RFP document. Responses to submitted questions will be posted below.
Submitted Questions and Responses
Question 1: Who at NPS contributed to the authorship of the internal draft Revised Criteria Bulletin?
Answer: National Register staff have participated in revising the Criteria Bulletin.
Question 2: After the consultant delivers the list of proposed recommendations based on content (Task 4.b), will NPS assume responsibility for making the revisions, or will the consultant be responsible for implementing the revisions?
Answer: The NPS will be responsible to implementing all revisions.
Question 3: What is the estimated page count for the final updated bulletin?
Answer: The final Bulletin is expected to be approximately 125 pages.
Question 4: How many draft revisions in electronic format does NPS wish to review prior to approval?
Answer: Based on past experience, the NPS anticipates reviewing 3 drafts of the Bulletin prior to approval.
Question 5: Does NPS wish to review a printed proof prior to initiating the full 800-copy print? If so, how many proofs should be printed?
Answer: The NPS and NCSHPO will review a printed proof prior to initiating the full 800-copy print. One proof copy each should be provided to NPS and NCSHPO.
Question 6: Must the Principal Investigator work for the prime contractor, or may the Principal Investigator work as a subconsultant?
Answer: We prefer that the PI work for the prime contractor.
Question 7: Page 3 notes that the bulletin’s design “shall be based on the design of the recently issued National Register Bulletin: Identifying, Evaluating, And Documenting Traditional Cultural Places.” Will the chosen contractor be provided with the template used for the TCP Bulletin or will they be expected to create a new template based on the design of the TCP bulletin?
Answer: The contractor will be provided with the template.
Question 8: Page 3 also notes “Consultant shall produce 800 full-color perfect-bound hard copies” of the bulletin. Does NPS have a requirement of paper weight/type for the printing effort?
Answer: The printing specifications are as follows:
– Interior pages: 80lb text (satin)
– Cover: 100lb cover (satin)—Matte Anti Scuff coating
– Inks: CMYK high quality digital printing