NCSHPO Participates in May Congressional Briefing

Earlier this week NCSHPO had the pleasure of once again participating in the Congressional Briefing that takes place each year during the month of May which we celebrate Historic Preservation Month. Hosted by Preservation Action and the U.S. House of Representatives Historic Preservation Caucus, this briefing affords those advocating for historic preservation an opportunity to connect with and further educate Congressional staff on the importance of preserving our nations historic and cultural assets – and the support needed to accomplish it.

Joining colleague organizations, Christina Hingle, Director of Government and External Affairs for NCSHPO set the stage with an overview of the federal historic preservation program and outlining the important role SHPO offices play in the promotion of historic resources. Particular attention was given to underscoring the critical need to appropriately fund SHPOs in order for the smooth operation of their federally mandated responsibilities of review and the various programs they administer.