The National Conference of
State Historic Preservation Officers
12.15.2024 NCSHPO submits: Update 11.15.2024 ACHP shares revised Program Comment draft now titled: Certain Housing, Buildings, and Transportation Activities and will accept comments through December 15th, 2024. The Advisory Council’s proposed Program Comment on Accessible, Climate-Resilient & Connected Communities is…
Because agriculture is a major theme in the state’s development history, a specific objective of Oklahoma’s state plan is to document agriculture-related resources and nominate them to the National Register. During the SHPO’s annual consultation with the preservation community and the public…
The Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office has led the multi-year effort to have the Poverty Point archaeological site nominated for the World Heritage List. Poverty Point is a 3400-year-old earthworks site in northeast Louisiana. The original plan included four mounds;…
In 2009, House Bill 2642 established the Texas Historic Roads and Highways Program, the goal of which is to identify, designate, interpret, and market historic roads and highways in Texas. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the Texas Department of…