ACHP Response to Connecticut HB 5433

Read the letter

Recently, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) drafted a letter to the Connecticut General Assembly with regard to HB 5433 “An Act Establishing a Procedure for the State Historic Preservation Officer to Make Determinations Concerning Certain Environmental Effects”. The ACHP consulted with representatives from NCSHPO, NATHPO, and the National Trust in developing this correspondence.

The bill focuses solely on the role of the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and if made law would be in conflict with the National Historic Preservation Act. Such conflicts are noted by the ACHP as “among the most serious the ACHP has ever seen”. Further noting the approval process outlined by HB 5433 would hinder consideration of alternatives & mitigation, limit public involvement, and cause challenges to federal agencies to meet obligations under Section 106.

As a result, the ACHP notes the potential for adverse effects to historic properties and concerns exist with regard to a process which would appeal, overturn, or bypass a SHPOs findings.


Connecticut Preservation Action, who is dedicated to lobbying for historic preservation in Connecticut, launched a call to action to oppose Connecticut General Assembly bill HB 5433. Opposition rests with the bills intent to institute drastic changes to the way historic properties are approved by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), resulting in irreversible loss of historic properties in the state.